Sister date :]
Today was a great day.
Overall it was a great day! Definitely much needed. And I didn't expect to have a such a great day because me and my sister are total opposites but now that we are older i think we appreciate each others personalities and that lets us get along better. I have 4 sisters and she is one of the oldest and is the only one that can push my buttons but I still love her to death :]. We talked a lot during the day and I think it gave us a chance a bit since we don't do that much. Don't get me wrong, I'm close to all my sisters in different ways but she's the one I'm least closet to and I hope to have more like these so that could change.
Woke up to my sister coming into my room and saying we should have a sister day and go out for sushi and a movie. Usually I hate getting woken up but this was an exception. I could hear the excitement in her voice and it immediately woke me up so I could get ready. We also thought it would a perfect day to buy a present for Father's Day since it's this weekend. So I got up and realized that I had plans with someone earlier that I had made earlier in the week but when it comes to my sisters I always end up canceling plans if they want to hang out and that's what I did. I knew he would understand anyways.
So I got up and we made breakfast along with our mom and it was a nice feeling to eat together because my sister is usually at work and luckily it was her day off and since I didn't have school I was home. I waited about an hour to get ready and took that time to fold my laundry and clean up my room a bit since it looked like a tornado at hit it haha. Didn't take too long though. Then after I did my makeup, hair, and got ready. We went to the mall first since we wanted to get the present so we wouldn't have to worry about it later. We bought my dad a cologne that came with a bag as a gift buuuuut I think I might keep the bag haha...idk still thinking about it.
After getting the present we drove over Niko Niko sushi which is so far has been my favorite sushi place to go to since I had a horrible experience at another one I went to. Long story short I got an allergic reaction to something and it caused one eye to swell up like The Hunchback of Norte Dome lol literally. Anywho that's where we went and as always it was super yummy. Then right after we left we went off to watch Man of Steel. And I'm still trying to process the movie right now but I can say it was AMAZING. I'm a huge comic nerd and love anything that had to do with superheroes.

Okay it's 1:30 am now and I should get to bed lol. But hey! I'm liking these late blog posts. It lets me update sooner :] haha
Good night world.
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