Blast From The Past and Hair talk
Hellooooooo :D
I really have been thinking of deleting this blog but I figured since it's summer and I'll pretty much being doing nothing most of the time maybe I that'll make it easier for me to post things. Haven't posted much since I had been busy with school, work, and with life pretty much. But now since I don't have school then I have loads of time to write...hopefully that'll happen but who knows haha. Maybe what's helping me right now is that it's 2 am and in the night is when I usually have tons of thoughts going on in my head so I might as well talk about it.
My last post I wrote was about my hair and I did go into the salon buuuuuuut it didn't turn out how I wanted it to. Both the base and the peekaboo colors were a lot lighter than I wanted but it was nice and I had no choice but to keep it for a bit till my next visit so I didn't complain about it because it was nice. So fast forward to now I went a couple of days ago and got it a bit darker. On camera it looks black but it's bit lighter and to be honest the next time I go to the salon I'll be going darker :]. Just because its summer and EVERYONE will be going lighter and I really want to go the opposite direction haha. But here's a pic of my hair
Now on to what my post is titled. Recently I've been receiving messages of people that I haven't spoken to in years and its so random but I figured since school is out and all maybe they have a lot of spare time. But anywho it's really weird to fake a smile and pretend to be happy to hear from them and a part of me is just because its nice to know someone misses you but I can't help but wonder 'why now?' And seriously there's no unfinished business so that's what gets me weirded out. Still trying to process it all but I'm pretty sure I'm just going to end up with even more questions that won't get answered and that's okay because it's not necessary or at least that's how I am looking at it.
Okay now I'm getting sleepy haha. Definitely going to bed now. Goodnight and I'll see you soon <3
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