Hey Stranger!!!!!
Hope November has been good to you! I know...I am horrible when it comes to blogging and I wish I wasn't but it's one of my end of the year resolutions that I'll be working on ;)...I mean it this time haha. Speaking of new years I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS YEAR IT ALMOST OVER! Feels like this year ended in a blink of an eye. But I knew once my birthday was over (11/17) that it was downhill from there. So now I am ending this year being 23 years old -__- and it feels really weird to be that old. On the bright side though I had a blast celebrating my birthday with friends && family. I've never liked having a party for my birthday only because I hate hosting and all the planning, but I figured 'why not?' it's not like I do it every year (my last Bday party was when I turned 15). I ended doing a black and white theme just to make it more fun for myself to plan and I wanted people to have fun dressing up and I loved seeing the outfits. And to make it more special I wore red because:
- I was the birthday girl
- Red is my favorite
- I like being different
- Why not?
- I was the birthday girl (lol)
Here's some pics from my birthday party:
Older Sister :] |
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