I hate March

How amount of time could make this hurt any less.

I never look forward to this month and ill be glad when it's over. This month is just a reminder that my life will never be the same and I hate that. For this year I wanted to think more positive but I'm still human and that means that feelings can get the best of me and this month is the ultimate test of "thinking positive" for me and I'm losing. These past few days I just feel numb and sometimes a little lonely. Because the one person that would normally help me out is the reason why I feel like this in the first place.

Death has never been an easy thing...for anyone I think. But when you lose someone that meant everything and was there everyday then it's worse then losing anyone else. I've never understood the expression "Time heals all wounds" I guess in a way it's true but these types I've wounds at least for me never close. They're just something I've learned to live with and sometimes ignore but they are always present. I know I probably sound dramatic which maybe I do but it sucks even more feeling this.

I am trying to be more positive because I've learned that no matter how bad your life is it can always be worse. So I just have to be strong and trust that everything happens for a reason even if I don't what that reason is yet.

Hi! So sorry for this short and semi depressing post. I haven't be feeling like myself and I needed to get this out. I'll blog something more happy next time!



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